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If you haven’t been to church before, then what goes on inside a church building each Sunday might be a bit of a mystery. At Sans Souci Anglican Church, we see church as being a pretty simple thing – it is a family gathering of God’s people. There are some things that we always do together when we meet on Sundays. We sing, hear a Bible reading which is then explained, and have some prayers.  Sometimes we'll share together in the Lord's Supper. And we always finish with food and the chance to get to know one another better.  We'd love you to join us.  

Morning 930


In the morning, we meet in our beautiful church building at 9:30am for a contemporary service. It usually runs for about an hour, and we always have a program for the kids.  After the service, we head to the ministry centre (where the kids meet us) for some morning tea and a chat.  There is no dress code and no set seats.  It is open to everyone of all backgrounds, cultures, and religions.

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Evenig 630
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Our evening service, which we call Sunday Night Live, runs in the ministry centre located at the back of the carpark.  It begins at 6:30pm and runs for about an hour.  After the service, we have dinner together, and sometimes play boardgames too.  While this service is primarily for youth and young adults, everyone is welcome.  The dress code is very casual, and the atmosphere relaxed.

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